Editing: Finishing Touches

    Today was the end of our editing journey for the music video, after researching editing videos from our last editing session. I was more hoping that I would be more prepared to help the group today.

    We began by joining a discord call per usual and thought about what needed to be done. We realized the clips were a little too long compared to the actual music video. So we needed to cut some of them. Luckily, this is the subject I researched. I told them about some of the different clipping methods and gave them as much information as possible.

    For the biking scenes leading up to the park, I suggested trying to make a parallel editing cut to make the scene look smooth. We ended up trying to use this method however, it is hard to do this without educated editing skills. Christian then suggested changing the color to make the scene look brighter, which sounded good for this scene.

    Next, we went on to edit transitions for each of the scenes. This was mainly Alex's role in the editing as he had researched this area more. While Alex was editing the transitions, he told me and Christian about some of the different ones he found on Divinci Resolve 17. We then brainstormed which transitions were best for each scene.

    Finally, we edited the audio, which was pretty simple. It was mostly just Alex who downloaded the audio while he screen shared. We then all reviewed how the music video audio went over our footage and made some small edits to the length of the clips, so the audio looked better over the footage.

    We then ended the call as we thought we were done. However, we later joined another call after realizing that some of the lightings looked weird and made some minor changes. Which marked the ending of our editing session.

    I realize now how much fun I had during this entire process of making a music video and would love to do it again. Obviously, there were some hardships during the process as editing is fairly new to us and took some time to get used to. However, I would love to work with these guys again and do another project like this in the future.


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