Genre Decision: Action

 Genre Decision Blog: 

After much consideration, we decided on the genre of our final task assignment. We have decided to do our final task assignment as an action movie. There is a multitude of reasons why we decided on this genre. The two main genres that were up for the decision were Thriller and Action. 

The first major reason we decided on this genre was due to the fact that thriller/horror films are extremely common submissions for the final Task. We decided we wanted to try to do something different with the project which lead us to this decision. We will still be using elements of the thriller genre but it will mainly be an action-centered film. 

The second major reason why we decided that the action genre would be a better choice than the thriller genre in the context of this movie was due to the main proposal we had. We felt that a movie based around war and a soldier would better suit an action movie rather than a straight thriller. The movie and the opening scene will contain multiple action scenes to help show the battlefield and create the overall tone for the movie intro. 

We discussed this at lunch together over a few days so we could get the best possible solution. We even asked a few of our friends to try to get their input as they did not have and vested interest. A few people brought how it might make more sense to make a thriller-oriented movie intro as we can very easily build tension and invoke fear and other feelings in the audience. We looked at this argument for a while. We considered switching over to the other genre but ultimately decided on the ladder. The main reason was for this decision was that we wanted to film an exciting action sequence for our movie intro rather than a generic thriller opening like we were told was common in these final tasks.

Overall for this project, our goal was to try to do something different. We also wanted to have fun making our project. We felt that making an intro in the action genre would be the most fun to produce with our friends.


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