The Decsision on the Genre

    I have always been drawn to the excitement and thrill of the action genre. Something about the fast-paced nature of action stories just draws me in and keeps me on the edge of my seat. One of the things that I love about the action genre is that it allows for a great deal of creativity and imagination. With action stories, the possibilities are endless, and I can let my imagination run wild.
    Another reason why I choose the action genre because it allows me to explore different worlds and scenarios. In an action story, I can take my readers to exotic locations and put them in the middle of intense and dangerous situations. I also enjoy the challenge of filming action scenes. Creating a sequence of exciting and believable events can be a real test of my production skills, but it is a challenge that I relish. But perhaps I choose the action genre because it allows me to create a fun and exciting film. In an action film, I can create larger-than-life characters and put them in thrilling situations that keep my readers on the edge of their seats.
    Not everyone is a fan of the action genre, and that's okay. But for me, there is nothing quite like the rush of adrenaline that comes from watching or creating an action story. I considered the other genres I researched, such as romance or horror, but for me, the action genre just feels like the right fit. It allows me to use my imagination in unique and exciting ways, and it allows me to create a film that is both entertaining and thrilling. In the end, I choose the action genre because it is the one that I am most passionate about and the one that I feel most comfortable doing my production in. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for me, it is the perfect genre for my film.


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